Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sew Sassy

I recently glued/ironed together a skirt for my Halloween costume. I'm going to dress myself in the fashion of Gogo Yubari from the first volume of Kill Bill. Thusly, I made a blue plaid skirt for the grand total of $8, buttons and all.

I have begun my obligatory early-twenties stage of make-believe fashion designer. I'm going to buy a sewing machine from ebay or craigslist or an estate sale or something. I'm NOT paying full price for one of those things. I'm going to design some shit and create a persona and audition for project runway probably.

Californication is on (demand)!

The good news is it's Thursday night and the following shows are going to be recorded tonight:

1. Kath and Kim
2. The Office
3. Ugly Betty
4. Grey's Anatomy (I hate myself)

Also, I may drink in celebration of the fact that my dentist told me today that I can brush away my cavities! And I don't have to have root canals or fillings! Just fluoride toothpaste and another visit in January for a cleaning! The miracles of modern dentistry.

Anyway, I'm taking a sewing class at Jo-Ann Fabrics next months. Let me know if you would like me to fashion you a garment--I need the practice.

1 comment:

Ted said...

Plaid vests, and plenty of them. That's my garment order. Get to it. Now.